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Case Study: Component Problem Solving

CJ Tool and Mouldings continue to drive for original and practical customer – focused solutions, to ensure that CJ Tool and Mouldings maintain its clients’ loyalty and growth.

So when CJ Tool and Mouldings were approached by their client with a potential issue, their focus was to find a solution quickly and effectively to avoid affecting their clients’ production line.

A manufacturer of pressure, vacuum and temperature gauges who are local to CJ Tool and Mouldings approached the team with an issue of a component CJ Tool and Mouldings had supplied for a number of years.

The problem was being created when the product was being put under high temperatures and pressures and causing the component to deform affecting the performance of the product.

Through traceability records, the team at CJ Tool and Mouldings were able to find out the operational and quality processes used, material consistency, and any flaws in previous batches. However no deviations were found.

Liaising with the customer, together they uncovered an alternative material with similar specifications.

With the client’s permission samples were produced and hand delivered to the client to be put through their rigorous quality testing procedures.

The client was extremely happy with the results that were brought back from testing and consequently placed an order with CJ Tool and Mouldings to replace the previous batch.

Due to the high level of client satisfaction, CJ Tool and Mouldings were handed a new enquiry to help assist the client with issues they were having with another plastic injection moulder.

Overall, the client was pleasantly grateful with how CJ Tool and Mouldings reacted and handled the issue; which resulted in another project for CJ Tool and Mouldings.

CJ Tool and Mouldings always have people, product and partnership in mind’


Added: 19 Oct 2017 10:12

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