What are the main considerations before starting an injection moulding project
Before you endeavour to produce a new part through injection moulding, here are a few things to consider.
- Financial considerations
Entry Cost: Preparing your product for injection moulding manufacturing requires a large initial investment, ensure you understand this crucial point upfront.
Production Quantity: Determine the number of parts produced at which injection moulding becomes the most cost effective method of manufacturing. Determine the number of parts produced at which you expect to break even on your investment.
- Design Considerations
Part Design: You want to design the part from day one with injection moulding in mind. Simplifying geometry and minimising the number of parts early on will pay dividends later down the line.
Tool Design: It’s important to design the mould tool to prevent defects during production. You can read more in our design guidelines section on how to avoid them.
- Production Considerations
Cycle Time: Minimise the cycle time as much as possible. Through using our injection moulding machines and designers we can help throughout every stage of the process. Small changes can make large differences and reducing a few seconds from your cycle time can translate into big savings when producing millions of parts.
Assembly: Design your part to minimise assembly. The less assembly required more money you will save on labour, it’s possible to design your part to avoid any assembly.
Injection moulding is a great technology for finished production on a massive scale. It is also useful for finalised prototypes that are used for consumer and/or product testing.
people product partnership
CJ Tool & Mouldings offer a full range of plastic injection moulding services, with a customer centred and personal approach. We pride ourselves on delivering quality products to meet customer needs, with a strong focus on quality service and value. CJ Tool & Mouldings are a dynamic and growing business through people product partnership.
Added: 24 Sep 2019 11:08
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